Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Early Retirement

I keep joking about being retired. It's a nice feeling in a way, knowing that when Monday comes there's no need to wake up early, decide what to wear, and feel the weight an impending work weeks brings. But there's also the slightly panicky feeling of checking my bank balance and seeing funds being withdrawn--but nothing coming in.

The most amazing thing about being retired is that my whole day can be spent doing things I used to do before or after work. For example: going for a bike ride and a swim used to be a before or after work activity, and when I was home it became my whole day. Running errands? It used to be something I did quick at lunch or after work. Now it takes up the whole day. It's amazing what you can find to do when there's nothing you have to do.

I also have thought a lot about the fact that you're supposed to wait until a certain age and then retire. My friend Lily and I were talking about it yesterday, and we agree: for every 6-8 years you work, you should get to take 2 years off, dip into your retirement funds, and experience something new and different.

I guess that's what I am trying to do. Tomorrow I board the plane at 8:38 a.m. When I get off I will be in Guatemala!


Unknown said...

I totally agree about the retirement dilemma. Why wait until you're 65 to retire? If there's something you want to do - and it's not your current job - then, by all means, go do it. But then there's the financial issue. How do you make money to sustain your early retirement?

An interesting read on this subject is a book by Tim Ferriss called The Four Hour Work Week. Check it out.

mountainlibrarian said...

I really like your blog so far. Miami looked great. That's funny that you met another traveling librarian. Can I join you to make a trio? Are you in Guatemala City or Antigua? Have fun.