if you have access
to a car or pick-up
So when people don´t
(which is most of the time)
Oh, the things they can carry
the hills they can climb!
Baskets of things both live and dead
Bundles of wood carried just with your head
Babies on backs and snacks pushed in carts
Good balance is one of the finest of arts
I´ve seen
Cinder blocks
Live chickens boxed
Tortilla masa
Lumber for casa
Baskets of every shape and size
Peanuts and bread and all sorts of pies
I´ve seen furniture
And front and back doors
I saw one man carry a whole chest of drawers!
I´ve seen
Bikes atop buses with six to a seat
Bikes atop buses with six to a seat
Parts and pieces of uncooked meat
Deliveries for those who live far away
Choco-bananos and flowers in bouquet
Heaps of comida to sell at the mercado
Half-a-tree´s worth of ripe avocado
Stacks of leaves for making tamal
Machetes in case you get into a brawl
I´ve seen
Farmers with hoes
Kids with bare toes
Necks strong as steel
Food for ten meals
Women with posture staighter than straight
Men who can carry two-times their weight
I´ve seen so many things!
It´s hard to descibe
I couldn´t carry them if you gave me a bribe!
No matter the weather
or time of day
No matter the distance
Or how poor the pay
I´ve seen so many things about which to rhyme
But it´s the things people carry
The hills they can climb!
(Inspired, of course, by Dr. Seuss, and the hard-working people of Alta Verapaz)
That is great Anna! And sooo true :)
I´ve been thinking about this for a while now--it´s been stewing for several weeks, so putting it down in a Dr. Suess style didn´t take too long. Thanks for always reading and commenting so I know someone out there cares!
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